New Year - New House - New Inspiration

I just got an email from one of my biggest gardening inspiration - Love Apple Farms. She was already talking about Spring veggies! I can't wait. I need to figure out what I am going to plant this year. has a really cool drag and drop application on their site that tells you how to plant what you want in your garden. Gotta get on this. I guess you can already start tomatoes, peppers and eggplants from seed inside 6-10 weeks before you place them outside. That should be good because I have a lot of preparing to do in my garden bed before I am ready to plant in the ground! I'll upload pictures later. Beautiful but needs a lot of work.

Which leads me to the other thing. I just moved! And while my new house is really nice it is overrun with weeds. The transition has been a little hectic, but the girls are doing great. I thought it was going to be a lot harder. It was definitely bittersweet for me to move from my old house. I lived there when I got married and brought both of my babies home to that house. We had some really great memories there. I am confident that we will also have great memories a the new house.

Work is moving along too. Just launched a new website this week: (Great client and awesome store.) I got a little store credit out of the deal and I can't wait to trick out my house with a cool terrarium and get some veggie starts for the garden. Looks like I have a few projects brewing. Keeping the positive vibes flowing towards greatness!

Over and out!